Tag Archives: exercise

Dressing for Action

Keeping fit is vital for your health and well-being but does require a significant investment in the appropriate clothing. Your sporting attire then has to be stored somewhere putting more pressure on your wardrobe space and then there is all that additional washing. There is no getting away from it, you can’t really decide to wear those sweaty tops for a few days before consigning them to the machine. Continue reading

Keeping Fit into Old Age

Many years ago when I was a teenager I was walking in the Alps and felt embarrassed when a group of hikers came past me at a  fast rate of knots. I was labouring my way up a steep gradient whilst they skipped past me with barely a hint of heavy breathing. What fascinated me about this incident was the fact that none of this spritely group appeared to under 80 years of age! Continue reading

Be Careful Not to Over-do it!


Having taken two skiing holidays you would think that I would have learnt my lesson about the rigours of the sport but clearly not! If you are not in tip top condition skiing can really stretch your leg muscles and it is best to build up your strength gradually. This doesn’t explain why I decided to book an all-day session on the indoor slope having only skied for two hours since the beginning of January! Continue reading

Get Active It Could Save Your Life!

This week brings yet more evidence, as if we needed any, that an active lifestyle is good for your health. A study has revealed that walking for one hour each day significantly reduces the incidence of breast cancer in post-menopausal women. Regular vigorous activity reduced the risks even more. These findings are in line with most of the recent science with research always revealing that exercise is crucial, particularly in the case of cancer and heart disease. Continue reading